PERSIAN-AMERICAN AUTHOR AND ACTRESS NASRIN MOHAMMADI of Los Angeles arrived in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida last week to promote her book, “Ideas and Lashes: The Prison Diary of Akbar Mohammadi”.


She says that her week spent in South Florida was “like a dream,” because she was able to declare her full support for the POTUS without fear of bodily harm.

Nasrin at the Broward Republican Executive Committee meeting

“Coming from the political environment of Los Angeles, California has been a living hell for me,” says Nasrin, now back home on the West Coast. “I constantly hear lies about how my President Donald Trump is this horrible person. I can’t openly express my support and love for our President. I always kept hope that one day I would be able to formally and openly support President Trump in a friendly environment.”

Her wish came true the moment she stepped off the plane and began meeting Floridians who share her same political views.

Nasrin on The Justice Hour with Family Law Attorney Lisa Macci.

Nasrin’s love and admiration for today’s American President is refreshing. She grew up under Sharia law and watched her brother tortured and killed and her family torn apart, all because of their Christian faith.

This woman’s message of MAKE IRAN GREAT AGAIN is resonating among Americans who are tired of hearing refugees bash President Trump for his so-called “racism”.

“In Florida, people treated me with respect and wanted to hear what I had to say. Unlike in California, where people disregard me—even with my tumultuous immigrant background from a tyrannical country! The people in Florida gave me the opportunity to express what I feel needs to be said about our current situation in our country and the world. In Florida, I could openly wear and display my support for President Donald Trump, and not fear reprisal,” she explains.

“Being an Iranian woman who immigrated as a political refugee, I break the mold of the mainstream media’s narrative of the stereotype of the common Trump supporter,” she notes, adding, “The people in Florida treated me with respect, and I felt at peace.”

Meeting Scott Newmark, president and founder of Americans for Trump Inc.

“It was my pleasure to visit with Nasrin Mohammadi in my office,” said Scott Newmark, president and founder of Americans for Trump Inc, which is headquartered in Broward County. “This brave person is a Trump patriot who is also continuously fighting to free Iran from the brutal oppression of the Islamic Republic of Iran.“


The story of how Nasrin was denied boarding her flight on Monday night has gone viral. Thousands of Trump supporters are incensed about the way she was treated, but Nasrin wants everyone to take a step back from the edge of anger.

Photo by Benjamin H. Bennett Nasrin at the airport, wearing her MAGA clothes


“As soon as I started to board my flight back to Los Angeles, I experienced that old discrimination again, but this time, I had people who cared about me to back me up,” she recalls.

Her manager, Ben Bennett, a local fixture in South Florida’s Republican community, had a feeling that something wasn’t right after he dropped her off in front of the airport.

He waited instead of driving away and was not surprised when he received a phone call from Nasrin, telling him that she had been denied boarding.

She then called journalist Jill Cueni-Cohen, who immediately took her in. The two had spent a lot of time together, doing interviews and getting acquainted.

Photo by Jill Cueni-Cohen Nasrin toured Trump National Golf Course with Journalist Jill Cueni-Cohen

“I was sorry for what Nasrin went through at the airport,” says Jill. “But I admit that I was thrilled to be able to spend more time with her. Her story is tragic… and inspiring! She makes it so clear that we are lucky to live in such a wonderful, freedom-loving country.”

She also makes it clear that Floridian Trump supporters are fortunate to be in the majority.

“I can’t wait to come back to Florida and actively campaign for President Donald Trump in 2020; Florida is the real America, unlike those brainwashed people who live in a bubble,” says Nasrin, in reference to Trump-haters.

When asked if she ever wears her MAGA hat in public in LA, she gasps, “No way! I will get attacked.”

In Fort Lauderdale, her pro-Trump outfit mostly attracts new friends.

Photo by Benjamin Bennett Attending a church service with Jill Cueni-Cohen

©️Jill Cueni-Cohen


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